Bluebonnet Circle Service Unit Together
Singing Sundae

A service unit tradition, Singing Sundae is a great opportunity to get to know other girl scouts, learn scouting/camping songs and enjoy a sundae of course!
Registration for other free and fee Service Unit events is available at

Ever wonder what a Girl Scout Service Unit is for?
A service unit is a team of volunteers from a specific geographic area. The Bluebonnet Circle Service Unit serves zip codes 78759, 78727 and 78731. The service unit forms new troops each year, provides direct support to members, and serves as a local communication center for Girl Scout council information. They also organize events like community-wide service projects, campouts, cookie rallies, celebrations, ceremonies, and more!
Service unit volunteers meet throughout the year to share ideas, receive training, and talk about important announcements. BBCSU invites all registered volunteers (registered parent volunteers as well as troop leaders) in our area to meet on the second Wednesday of each month at 7pm at St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church, 8134 Mesa Dr, Austin, TX 78759. Be among the first to know about upcoming events and deadlines. Our team also schedules trainings and learning activities for these meetings.
We would love to feature what your Bluebonnet Circle Girl Scouts are doing in our blog! Please submit your stories here, and we love to have photos to include!
Did you miss the September 13th Volunteer Meeting? You can find out what you missed on the Volunteer Meeting Notes forum (you must be logged in to view)